GtkTable Constructor

GtkTable ([int n_rows = 1 [, int n_columns = 1 [, bool homogeneous = false]]]);

The first two parameters in this constructor (n_rows, n_columns) define the size of the table and thus the number of cells. They are optional, and since the table will pick up the layout from the information given as its children are attached to it, they will be overridden automatically if needed.

The last parameter (homogeneous) is also optional, and relates to the way the table manages the size of it's child widgets. If changed to true (the default value is false) all children will have the same height and width as the largest child.

There are a lot of parameters in the attach() method - nine in total - four of which are optional. Basically, if the homogeneous parameter in the constructor is set to true, there is very little point most of the time in using any of the four optional packing parameters. These come into their own when the children are not required to take up the same amount of space.

Example 117. GtkTable usage demonstration

//Creating the window that will hold our example program
$window = new GtkWindow();
//Title of the window
$window->set_title("GtkTable usage demonstration");
//Initial placement of the window 
//Connecting the "destroy" signal
$window->connect_simple('destroy', array('Gtk', 'main_quit'));

//Creating our GtkTable
// note that the homogeneous property defaults to false.
$table = new GtkTable(3, 3, false);

//Let's define the spacing between columns and rows to 10 pixels

//Adding the table to the window

//Now that we have a table, let's add some widgets to it
//Note the different AttachOptions: 
// resize the window to see the effects of each
$text = new GtkTextView();
$table->attach($text, 0, 3, 0, 1);

$button1 = new GtkButton('Button 1 ');
$table->attach($button1, 0, 1, 1, 2, Gtk::SHRINK, Gtk::SHRINK, 3, 3);

$button2 = new GtkButton('Button 2 ');
$table->attach($button2, 1, 2, 1, 2, Gtk::FILL, Gtk::FILL, 3, 3);

$button3 = new GtkButton('Button 3 ');
$table->attach($button3, 2, 3, 1, 2, Gtk::FILL, Gtk::EXPAND, 3, 3);

//Let's add a label with information.
// We'll use it to experiment with acessing
// widgets in a GtkTable
$label = new GtkLabel(
    "Expand this window to see the difference \r\n"
    . "between the GtkAttachOptions settings."
$table->attach($label, 0, 3, 2, 3, Gtk::SHRINK, Gtk::SHRINK);

//Adding a button that will change the text in the label
$button4 = new GtkButton('Change label text');

//If you recall, we created a 3*3 table, but as we're out
// of space right now, this button will be placed on row
// 4. You can use resize(), but just attaching
// the child will cause the table to automatically change
// it's size 
$table->attach($button4, 0, 3, 3, 4, Gtk::FILL, Gtk::EXPAND, 3, 3);

//Let's connect button4 to a function
// that changes the text of the label
$button4->connect_simple('clicked', 'change_text');

//This function accesses the GtkLabel and changes it's content
function change_text()
	//Getting a list of the GtkTable's child widgets
	global $table;

	$children = $table->get_children();
	//Echoing the name of the children to the console
	foreach($children as $key => $var) {
	    echo $var->get_name()."\n";
	echo "\n";
	//Accessing the label's text
	$current_text = $children['1']->get_text();
	//Decide which text to show
	if (substr($current_text, 0, 6) == "Expand") {
		$children['1']->set_text("Have a nice day! \r\n");
	} else {
            "Expand this window to see the difference \r\n"
            . "between the GtkAttachOptions settings."

//Make everything in the window visible
//Main loop