Building Desktop Applications in PHP with PHP-GTK

The PHP-GTK project is no longer under active development, and the related mailing lists and other online services are no longer active.

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PHP-GTK 2 for MS-Windows?

GTK+ version:
PHP-GTK 2 currently supports GTK+ 2.24.10 or greater. You can obtain the latest stable release of GTK+ 2.x from http://ftp.gtk.org/pub/gtk/.
PHP version: PHP-GTK 2 requires PHP 5.1.x to PHP 5.5.x
Version Alpha and Beta PHP-GTK: The use this version is at your own risk. We don’t assume any damage that may occur in your application or operating system.
Please report bugs to php-gtk-dev@lists.php.net

PHP version-GTK PHP version GTK+ version Binaries Source Stable? Release
PHP-GTK-2.0.1 PHP 5.5 GTK+ 2.24.10 - No - Beta 2015-01-15
PHP-GTK-2.0.1 PHP 5.4 GTK+ 2.24.10 - No - Beta 2015-01-15
PHP-GTK-2.0.1 PHP 5.1.x - 5.5 GTK+ 2.x - Stable 2015-01-15
PHP-GTK-2.0.1 binary pack PHP 5.2.6 GTK+ 2.12.9 - Stable 2008-05-16
PHP-GTK-2.0.1 binary extensions pack PHP 5.2.6 GTK+ 2.12.9 - Stable 2008-05-16
PHP-GTK-2.0.1 PHP 5.2.6 GTK+ 2.12.9 - Stable 2008-05-16
PHP-GTK-2.0.0 binary pack PHP 5.2.5 GTK+ 2.12.8 - Stable 2008-02-29
PHP-GTK-2.0.0 PHP 5.2.5 GTK+ 2.12.8 - Stable 2008-02-29

PHP-GTK 1 for MS-Windows

GTK+ version:
PHP-GTK 1 currently supports GTK+ 1.2.6 or greater. You can obtain the latest stable release of GTK+ 1.2.x from http://ftp.gtk.org/pub/gtk/v1.2/.
PHP version:PHP-GTK 1 requires PHP 4.0.5 or greater, with versions from 1.0.1 up requiring PHP 4.3.x to build.

PHP version-GTK PHP version GTK+ version Binaries Source Stable? Release
php-gtk-1.0.2 4.4.1-dev GTK+ 1.2.x - Stable 2005-07-15
php-gtk-1.0.2 4.4.1-dev GTK+ 1.2.x - Stable 2005-07-15
php-gtk-1.0.1a 4.3.9-dev GTK+ 1.2.x - Stable 2004-08-25
php-gtk-1.0.1 4.3.9-dev GTK+ 1.2.x - Stable 2004-08-25
php-gtk-1.0.0 4.3.4RC3-dev GTK+ 1.2.x - Stable 2003-10-23

PHP-GTK 2 source code downloaded from GitHub

Alternatively, you can obtain the latest version of PHP-GTK directly from GitHub.

1) PHP-GTK page on GitHub
You can download the source code for a client or clone the github repository.


2) You can download directly from the link:


Then you can make the procedure to compile in GNU/Linux:
Unzip the file master.zip
cd php-gtk-src-master
make install